Thursday, July 10, 2014



So... It's been a very long time since I last blogged, but here I am. I'm going to be very real with ya'll. While my episode reviews were very entertaining and hilarious (I wish) they took WAAYY too long for me to write and became a pain in the TUSHIE (!!!!!!!). So since I no longer have to do this blog for school, I decided that I'm not going to blog about each episode anymore. SORRYYYYYY ( jk I bet no one is even sad).
With that being said, Season 4 has been wonderfully fantastical. It feels like a return to the freshness of Season 1 without taking any steps backward plot-wise. It's still complex and TERRIFYING but feels totally different from Season 3. So far I give it an A+, but then again I will always give Teen Wolf an A+. 

Also newsworthy, @MTVteenwolf RETWEETED ME ON TWITTER!!!!! If you don't know me well (which you shouldn't, stalkers) I love twitter (follow me @wardsworldmrw) and I especially love the Teen Wolf twitter account. I've always wanted to be retweeted by them because they always retweet really funny people and I aspire to be funny. Turns out I did something right because they finally DID!!! They tweeted,

I'm still obsessing over #MUTED. What was your favorite part?! Send me quotes and screen shots and I'll RT my faves! #TeenWolf

So I replied,

When Lydia was like "dude, I'm always at the dead bodies. Dead bodies is what I do" to Deputy Parrish.

And I guess people liked it because as of RIGHT NOW it has 128 retweets and 511 favorites. In other words my life goals have been accomplished and I can die happy. I will hopefully be blogging more but until then have a WOLFTASTIC summer!!!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2014



We have officially entered into promo season, the magical time of short weird videos that we try to make sense of. So here is me trying...

In the promo you see our regulars (Scott, Stiles, Derek and Lydia) rising out of ashes and running, while a crossbow is falling to the ground and money is flying all around. The promo is titled CAN'T GO BACK. What we can take from this is that S4 is going to be a time of rebirth for the characters. They can't go back to the way it was before. The crossbow most likely represents Allison and how she will not be moving on with them. But at the same time, they aren't forgetting about her. The money could mean all sorts of things, but personally I think it might be something about business, for lack of a better word. Maybe this season they are going start taking house calls to help people solve their problems, sort of like private investigators...
Another big thing I think we can take from this promo is what the mood of the season is going to be. By listening to the music I think we can safely say that this is going to be a much more positive season. Compared to the promos for 3B, this video is like a children's show. And quite frankly, I'm excited for a revamp of the show.

Overall, it's a pretty great promo and I'm ecstatic for the new season... BUT I'm going to be on vacation for the first AND second episode which is sadness... Have a WOLFTASTIC week and Memorial Day!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

All The Tears

Hey friends! Long time, no typy type. I took a nice long break that included a research paper, a chemistry AND world history exam, and natural logarithms!!!!! Yayyy RELAXATION!!!!! But, I'm back and ready to discuss...

Now, everyone and their brother knows that Allison is not, by any stretch of the imagination, my favorite character. I didn't care about her in season 1, hated her in season 2, and ignored her in season 3A. She was one of those characters I knew was there but didn't really care about enough to address. But as season 3B premiered and got going, I found myself actually interested in Allison. I had finally forgiven her for everything she did in season 2 and was actually enjoying her storyline, especially her and Isaac. They were two people that had lost so much but were finding a connection together. It was sweet (and 100 zillion times better that Scott and Allison). 
Then, of course, she died. Before it happened I remember thinking, "if someone is going to die, I hope it's her". I never really expected it to be and when it was, I was SHOCKED. And then I entered my multiple stages of grief.

  1. Relief - I was relieved that someone I truly love didn't die like Derek, Stiles, or Lydia. 
  2. Denial - "Was it REALLY her... Maybe she'll come back... Was that her clone... She's probably hiding with Gerard somewhere..."
  3. Sadness Pt. 1 - This was sadness for Scott, Lydia, Isaac, and ultimately, Chris. The sadness I felt for Mr. Argent was out of this world. His entire family is dead except for a few psychopaths. He is alone is this crazy, death-ridden world. 
  4. Sadness Pt. 2 - This was sadness for me/Allison. I was just sad. I can't even imagine how people that genuinely liked Allison felt. 
  5. Acceptance - I finally moved on. Allison is dead and we will probably never see her again. Although dude, it's Beacon Hills. 
I'm okay with her death and felt that it was really beautifully done. She died a hero and I finally have begun to see that that's what she always was. 

Aiden (Ethan)

Aiden's death and Ethan's departure did not mean that much to me. I thought they were kind of annoying but was also starting to like them near the end. I really liked how when Aiden died they didn't focus on his relationship with Lydia, but instead focused completely on his true family, Ethan. Coming from someone with three sisters, I really thought that this was so much more moving than anything they could have done with Lydia. 
The twins will be somewhat missed for me. They died/left much better people than they were before.


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Chaos Comes to a Close

(The Stydia feels were VERY real this episode)
This episode, and the ENTIRE season, was so fantastically good. There are not even words to describe how wonderful and perfect this finale was. Never have I enjoyed an hour of television as much as I did for The Divine Move. Let's bite right in!!! (HAHa... bite...werewolves...)
We started off the finale with the gang trying to cope with Allison's death (I'm still struggling). Everyone was having issues, but Isaac was especially distraught. Chris comforted him and it was the most moving and emotional moment... A werewolf hunter hugging a werewolf, whole-heartily. Not only did Allison die, but Stiles was dying. They needed to take down the Nogitsune/Void Stiles and trap it in the container made of the nemeton wood in order to, hopefully, save Stiles' life. The twins were going to skip town and hide from all the chaos but Derek convinced them to stay and fight the Nogitsune. 
While everyone was preparing to fight, the Oni were going around town "capturing all the places on the board", referencing the Japanese game, Go. They attacked the police station, the vet, the school, and the hospital, which lead to this fabulously filmed and choreographed scene that had to BEST musical accompaniment. 
(BAMF tbh)
The Oni were straight up killing people and stabbing all of our favorite characters like Mama McCall, Sheriff Stilinski, the cute deputy, and Dr. Deaton. Their wounds were emitting a creepy black vapor that looked highly unhealthy.
Meanwhile, Chris and Isaac were still at the Argent's loft mourning. Through his sadness, Isaac figured out that Allison had discovered that silver can kill Oni, but only if it is in their body. Chris had come close to killing one as a youngster, but he shot the Oni's face and it survived. Chris and Isaac headed off to the school with Allison's remaining silver arrowheads to kick some Oni butt.
The rest of the gang arrived at the school only to open the door into a winter wonderland, otherwise known as Bardo, the place between life and death. 

The Nogitsune was there and he told Stiles that if he killed himself everyone else would live.  Scott was not okay with this and he started fighting the Oni like a pro with Kira. Everything was panic and scary because at the same time the twins and Derek were fighting Void Stiles and his Oni. Stiles was about to sacrifice himself until he realized that the whole "Bardo" nonsense was just a big trick, orchestrated by the Nogitsune Dream World. The gang was then able to get inside the school. Outside with Derek and the twins, Chris and Isaac arrived to kill the Oni fighting them. They were successful, except in the process of stabbing the final Oni Aiden was stabbed by the Oni's sword. With the Oni dead, Isaac ran into the school with the nemeton container to trap the Nogitsune. 

The gang finally found Void Stiles and Scott bit him, essentially changing his form. A fly flew out of Void Stiles' dying body that Isaac caught in the nemeton container, and then Void Stiles shattered into dust in the school hallway. 
EVERYONE WAS SAVED (except Allison and Aiden). Aiden's death, all though it didn't hurt me as much as Allison's, was very sad and touching. I really liked how it was more focused on the twins. We kind of forget that they are two different people. They are brothers and best friends and one of them died. I was emotional. 

Then, as it always is, there were teasers for season 4. Here's a list of them...
  • Everyone is still dealing with Allison's death.
  • Kira still feels out of place with the gang.
  • Malia is enrolled in Beacon Hills High School and is getting private tutoring from Scott in Were- Transformation 101.
  • Danny knows that Beacon Hills is a magical place with banshees and were- creatures running amok.
  • Stiles is moving on with his life (hopefully).
  • Derek had a dream, but it wasn't really a dream (this could be wrong, I was confused as to whether it was or wasn't a dream).
  • The dream/not dream was of the Mexican hunters breaking into Derek's loft looking for the She-wolf. They were then all of a sudden gassed and attacked and out of the gas came the dreaded Creepy Kate. Although this time she's a were-jaguar, supposedly changed from the scratch that we thought killed her. 
(I hate you so much)
This episode was magically delicious and I'm very excited for season 4!!!! I'll still be here blogging over hiatus but not as frequently. So until then... HAVE A WOLFTASTIC BREAK!!!!!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Isaac Is EVERYONE'S Type

This episode hurt me in ways I did not expect... stupid INSATIABLE
(Before you say anything, yes I know, Allison died. I don't want this post to be about that so I will refrain from talking about it until a later date. I'm too confused/sad).

The episode started right where we left off. Two Stiles, one good/real and the other evil/Nogitsune. The evil Stiles stole Lydia and took her to Oak Creek. Lydia didn't want the gang to look for her because she knew someone was going to die. (They looked for her anyways). The Oni came by and checked that the remaining Stiles was a real boy, and he passed by receiving a good-ol' backwards 5. It was too close to dawn for the Oni to go searching for the Nogitsune so everyone had a little chill time. 
Noshiko decided to teach Kira how to play Go (the game Stiles and the Nogitsune were playing in Stiles' mind). Stiles took a nap at Scott's house while Scott watched over like a guardian angel. Agent McCall finally revealed why he left. When he was drunk and fighting with Mama McCall, he accidentally pushed Baby Scott down the stairs. Scott totally didn't even care. He was just like, "I still hate you the same. Not more, not less". Allison and Isaac were actually looking for Lydia but found her car instead. This lead to a very nice conversation between the two about whether or not they actually slept with each other or if it was demonic firefly lovin'. (It was them). The twins were being shot at by someone in the woods with wolfsbane bullets until Derek came to rescue them. (My prediction is Gerard. You know, the "MOUNTAIN ASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" guy).
When Stiles woke up he confessed to Scott that he was in a lot of pain and just maybe might be dying. Yay. Together, they went to the police station and Stiles and the Sheriff shared a beautiful Stillinski Hug. Also potentially important, the cute deputy told the Sheriff that he had been "drawn" to Beacon Hills *red flags being raised*. 

All in all, no one was attending school except Danny and Meredith, the crazy girl from Eichen House. She is a banshee and escaped Eichen House to help the gang. The Coach valiantly, and hilariously, protected Meredith from the Eichen House thugs/bullies. This allowed Scott and Stiles to rescue her and take her back to the McCall house. She tried to help them figure out where Lydia was and eventually she did by fake phone-calls and french(?). 

They gang all headed out to Oak Creek, but not before the Oni arrived. Lydia kept saying to the Nogitsune, "they're coming" and "they're here", but she wasn't talking about the gang. She was referring to the Oni. When the Oni were right about to kill the Nogitsune, he broke Noshiko's final tail and took the Oni under his control. The Nogitsune then had the Oni fight the gang. While Isaac, Kira, and Allison were fighting, Scott and Stiles went down to find Lydia. When they did she was very destraugt because she knew someone was going to die and she was right. An Oni was completely tearing up Isaac until Allison shot him dead away. There was a small victorious moment until she was viciously stabbed in the stomach. She died in Scott's arms. ( I will not say anymore... EXCEPT CHRIS' FACE AND THE SILVER ARROWHEAD AND MY HEART). 
(I MAY have painted my nails red in honor of Allison).
As you can see, I was emotionally unprepared for this death. I thought I could handle it but nope. Have a WOLFTASTIC week :,,(

Sunday, March 16, 2014

I Don't Even Know

This episode was a game without rules. Yes, I'm talking about DE-VOID.

(I'm very tired right now and this will probably just be a long spew of sentences coming directly from my brain, a weird and wonderful place. Readers discretion advised.) 
I'm just going to hop right in, similar to what Teen Wolf did. The episode started off right where the last one ended, with the gang finding Stiles at Derek's loft. They tried to fight Stiles but he was swatting them away like flies (foreshadowing). Chris got into the position where he could've shot Stiles but then the Sheriff put his gun to Chris' head and they had a Mexican standoff. Before anything happened Stiles was all like, "protect me, my friends". The Oni appeared and fought the gang until both the Oni and Stiles disappeared. 
The Oni were called off by Noshiko, who was chillin' in the Eichen House basement. Stiles transported/ran REALLY fast to the Eichen House to chat with Noshiko. And by chat, I mean he stole her last tail, stabbed himself with it, and then had flies zoom out of HIS OPEN WOUND!!!!  It was pleasant to say the least.
The flies went out and possessed all the werewolves except Scott, who had smartly closed his window during his ADORABLE snuggle time with Kira. The flies made the wolves angry/horny, as seen by Isaac and Ethan. Both were very angry while having "fun" at the same time. Lydia was drivin' 'round town with a GPS (a la Forget You) that she thought was on because it was giving her directions. Turns out it was her mind showing her where Stiles was. They found him and brought him to Scott's house where Dr. Deaton paralyzed him with Kanima venom. Stiles told Melissa that he knew 'the secret' and she duck tapped his face right up. 

Meanwhile, Isaac, Ethan, and Aiden were at the school having a good ol' fashion WWE (WereWolf Entertainment) fight. They were killing each other until Allison and Kira showed up and went all PowerPuff on their butts.
Girl Power!! Assemble!!!
Derek was also riding the crazy train and tried to burn Chris alive. The pictures of this from the episode are really funny taken out of context. 
"Happy Birthday Son!! I'm so happy you're turning one!!!"
Back at the McCall House, Lydia called on Peter to help the gang de-void Stiles. He told Scott and Lydia to go inside Stiles' mind and so they did. It is a very crazy place.
Inside Stiles' mind Lydia and Scott got separated by the Nogitsune. They broke free from it's trance and ended up in the nemeton room. Sitting on the nemeton stump was Stiles and the Nogitsune playing a friendly game of I Don't Even Know (was it a form of chess?). Scott roared for Stiles, which got his attention because he is in his pack as Lydia pointed out. Stiles then knocked the whole game over and made the Nogitsune angry.

The wolves that had been possessed fell asleep before they could do any real damage, and Scott and Lydia woke up from Stiles' mind. (Prepare for weirdness) Stiles then started puking up bandages, only for a body to begin rising out of them. It looked like the Nogitsune but when they pulled the bandages off, it was (presumably) normal Stiles. They turned around only to find that the Dark Stiles had taken Lydia and ran away. But how do we REALLY know which Stiles is which????

I'm going to go take a nap, seeing as I feel like this. Have a WOLFTASTIC week!!!!!!!