Thursday, September 26, 2013

CRACK(ing up)

This is a Teen Wolf crack video (a combination of clips with different songs playing if you didn't know). It is probably the single most fantastic crack video ever and definitely my favorite! ***WARNING*** It does contain some swearing so if you don't like that don't watch (but you really should, its hilarious). ENJOY :D

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Summertime Sadness

So.... Lets talk about Season 3A! 
(If you want to read some AWESOME Teen Wolf Photo Re-Caps, does one after every new episode and they are hilariously awesome)

So far Season 3 has been by FAR my favorite season. I felt like there was a perfect mixture of action, romance, mythology, and attractive guys (although I wouldn't complain about more Daniel Sharman). One thing that I really did love was the Celtic mythology. Before this I had only ever seen Celtic symbols that didn't really mean anything to me, but now I feel like I know a little more. I also loved that we got to learn a little (ok pretty much nothing) about Lydia and her "powers". My hopes for Season 3B are more mythology, more Lydia, and more STYDIA!!!!!!!! (Yes I am a Stydia shipper but like a port, I welcome all ships) Thanks for reading and hopefully I will see you next week :D

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Welcome to Beacon Hills

Welcome to my new blog!!! My name is Maddie and I'm obsessed with MTV's Teen Wolf. When my English teacher told us to create a blog it was pretty obvious what mine would be about. I am NOT a professional blogger but I'm VERY passionate so bare with me (or don't. The only person that needs to read this is me and my English teacher) If you stick with me I will review episodes, spotlight on characters, discuss different mythologies, and do other fun things!! Hope you enjoy it :D