Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Summertime Sadness

So.... Lets talk about Season 3A! 
(If you want to read some AWESOME Teen Wolf Photo Re-Caps, does one after every new episode and they are hilariously awesome)

So far Season 3 has been by FAR my favorite season. I felt like there was a perfect mixture of action, romance, mythology, and attractive guys (although I wouldn't complain about more Daniel Sharman). One thing that I really did love was the Celtic mythology. Before this I had only ever seen Celtic symbols that didn't really mean anything to me, but now I feel like I know a little more. I also loved that we got to learn a little (ok pretty much nothing) about Lydia and her "powers". My hopes for Season 3B are more mythology, more Lydia, and more STYDIA!!!!!!!! (Yes I am a Stydia shipper but like a port, I welcome all ships) Thanks for reading and hopefully I will see you next week :D

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