Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Boy That Doesn't Like Small Spaces

Let's talk about... Isaac Lahey!!!

The BEAUTIFUL Daniel Sharman plays the beloved character of Isaac on Teen Wolf. He first appeared in Season 2 Episode 1 and joined Derek's pack. Isaac is now the only surviving member of that pack besides Derek himself (if that means Isaac is next to die I will have some things to say to Jeff Davis). Isaac has a very dark history, which involves a extremely abusive father that got killed by a giant lizard (aka the Kanima aka Jackson). Because of his father constantly locking him in an unplugged freezer, Isaac is highly claustrophobic which sometimes leads to problems (think the closet scene S3E04). I have very high hopes for Isaac in Season 3B. First, I think Davis needs to stop putting him in small spaces because it is incredibly painful to see the perfection that is Daniel under a bed in the fetal position. Secondly, it looks like he might actually get some action in the romance department after making the funniest comments in 3A about various ladies he thought attractive. It also looks like we have him changing alligence from Derek to Scott which will prove interesting. I really just hope he gets more airtime so we can see his gorgeous face more often :D 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know much about Teen Wolf, but your blog is very detailed! Daniel Sharman is so hot! It's, um... interesting that Isaac's dad was killed by a giant lizard named Jackson... Hehe! Sounds like a good series!
