Lose Your Mind
So recently I've been a mess. And it is 100% because I watched this promo:
So here's my problem... I can't do this kind of scary. I can handle the scary looking monsters and the gory fighting, but the second anything to do with phycological fear comes into play, I lose it. And everything about this promo is phycological. It is showing Stiles losing his mind and hallucinating/dreaming the creepiest things. To me the worst part is when he is in the classroom and his fellow students are all doing creepy hand movements. I also don't particularly like the people rubbing against what I guess you would call a plastic sheet. Although, what ties all the creepiness together is the music. It starts off as what sounds like people mumbling and then morphs into a little girl singing Row Row Row Your Boat. This whole promo earns MAJOR creep factor points.
All that I hope is that the entire show doesn't end up like this. I don't watch horror movies for a reason, and I don't want to watch a horror show. I love Teen Wolf as it is and don't think it needs to get anymore creepy than this promo. Have a WOLFTASTIC weekend :D
P.S. Funny story... After watching the promo I was in my kitchen listening to music with headphones; when all of a sudden I saw someone in the darkness of my hallway. I was frozen for about half a second until I realized it was my sister, and then gasped, "Oh God". Obviously my sister didn't know what had happened and thought I was just calling her 'Oh God'. Haha sorry if you don't think that's funny. I did :)
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