Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Average Dysfunctional Werewolf Family

Sorry I haven't blogged recently... you know tests and stuff... but I am back with the need to discuss......................The Hale Family

They are sad and sassy 100% of the time and nothing happy ever happens to them except that they are all beautiful and fabulous... just like all the characters on Teen Wolf.

Derek Hale:
Derek has had a really crappy life. He was a popular kid, star of the basketball team, and in a relationship with a beautiful cello player when his uncle convince him to turn her into a werewolf. This obviously didn't work out and Derek ended up having to kill her, turning his eyes blue. Now depressed and angry, he ended up in a relationship with a substitute at his school (creepy Kate) who ended up burning the majority of his family to death. A couple years go by and Derek find his sister cut in half in the woods; he gets blamed for her death and put in jail. Derek obviously escapes but is now a fugitive and finds out that it was his uncle that killed his sister and is now killing others. Derek kills his uncle and becomes the alpha without a pack. He changes three teenagers to join his pack, two of which are killed by a pack of alphas that come to town, and the other changes his allegiance to Scott. Derek also has a brief relationship with the new teacher in town who ends up being a psychotic killer and using him. As of now Derek and Cora are leaving town to gain information (whatever that means). 

As I said, Derek's life sucks. All this crap has happened to him along with a bunch of annoying teenagers bothering him every waking moment. I think when he left to collect info he really meant to say "I'm leaving town to check myself into a spa/resort in Tahiti for a few years. Good luck fighting demons."

Next time I'll be talking about Peter Hale, the cause of Derek's problems... Have a Wolftastic Tuesday!!!! And a Merry Merry Christmas :D

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