Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Average Dysfunctional Werewolf Family

Sorry I haven't blogged recently... you know tests and stuff... but I am back with the need to discuss......................The Hale Family

They are sad and sassy 100% of the time and nothing happy ever happens to them except that they are all beautiful and fabulous... just like all the characters on Teen Wolf.

Derek Hale:
Derek has had a really crappy life. He was a popular kid, star of the basketball team, and in a relationship with a beautiful cello player when his uncle convince him to turn her into a werewolf. This obviously didn't work out and Derek ended up having to kill her, turning his eyes blue. Now depressed and angry, he ended up in a relationship with a substitute at his school (creepy Kate) who ended up burning the majority of his family to death. A couple years go by and Derek find his sister cut in half in the woods; he gets blamed for her death and put in jail. Derek obviously escapes but is now a fugitive and finds out that it was his uncle that killed his sister and is now killing others. Derek kills his uncle and becomes the alpha without a pack. He changes three teenagers to join his pack, two of which are killed by a pack of alphas that come to town, and the other changes his allegiance to Scott. Derek also has a brief relationship with the new teacher in town who ends up being a psychotic killer and using him. As of now Derek and Cora are leaving town to gain information (whatever that means). 

As I said, Derek's life sucks. All this crap has happened to him along with a bunch of annoying teenagers bothering him every waking moment. I think when he left to collect info he really meant to say "I'm leaving town to check myself into a spa/resort in Tahiti for a few years. Good luck fighting demons."

Next time I'll be talking about Peter Hale, the cause of Derek's problems... Have a Wolftastic Tuesday!!!! And a Merry Merry Christmas :D

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Seriously... Can we talk about how cute they are?


"You named your son STILES STILINSKI"

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...FREAK OUT!!!
Watch the promo HERE

As you probably already know the official promo is finally hear and it is crazy. It features Stiles walking through a creepy, dark hallway where he encounters Lydia silently screaming/whimpering, Allison stroking what looks to be a dead wolf, and the Sheriff saying accusingly, "It was you".  While he is walking through, you can hear someone whispering "This isn't you", over and over. Finally, Stiles reaches the end of the hallway, entering a white room with Scott inside callingto him, "This isn't you". Stiles pushes Scott away with his bloody hands and looks intensely in a mirror, which reveals a scared and bloody Stiles. That's when you hear "This is you" and the promo ends. aaaAAAHHHHHhhhhh

It looks like season 3B is going to focus a lot on Stiles  and I'm nothing but excited!! I have formulated a list of predictions for what exactly is happening in this promo, and what might happen in the future.
  • This season will focus a lot on the Stilinski family... especially the mother. I think we will find out exactly how she died and why Stiles feels guilty.
  • Referencing to Bullet #1, I think Stiles feels to blame for his mothers death. If he didn't he wouldn't be having hallucinations about his father saying "It was you".
  • I also think Stiles is going to kill someone this season (or multiple people). I just have this feeling (which I hope is wrong).
  • Allison... I don't even know what to think. Maybe she will slip back into crazy, 'I will kill all werewolves' mode like her mother.
  • ANNNNNND...... Shape shifters. Jeff keeps talking about the shape shifter legends that will come into play this season, and I think Stiles will be one. I don't think he will know it, but I think Stiles will shift into something and kill people.
Sounds like a cheery season if I'm right :D Have a WOLFTASTIC Tuesday!!!