Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Average Dysfunctional Werewolf Family

Sorry I haven't blogged recently... you know tests and stuff... but I am back with the need to discuss......................The Hale Family

They are sad and sassy 100% of the time and nothing happy ever happens to them except that they are all beautiful and fabulous... just like all the characters on Teen Wolf.

Derek Hale:
Derek has had a really crappy life. He was a popular kid, star of the basketball team, and in a relationship with a beautiful cello player when his uncle convince him to turn her into a werewolf. This obviously didn't work out and Derek ended up having to kill her, turning his eyes blue. Now depressed and angry, he ended up in a relationship with a substitute at his school (creepy Kate) who ended up burning the majority of his family to death. A couple years go by and Derek find his sister cut in half in the woods; he gets blamed for her death and put in jail. Derek obviously escapes but is now a fugitive and finds out that it was his uncle that killed his sister and is now killing others. Derek kills his uncle and becomes the alpha without a pack. He changes three teenagers to join his pack, two of which are killed by a pack of alphas that come to town, and the other changes his allegiance to Scott. Derek also has a brief relationship with the new teacher in town who ends up being a psychotic killer and using him. As of now Derek and Cora are leaving town to gain information (whatever that means). 

As I said, Derek's life sucks. All this crap has happened to him along with a bunch of annoying teenagers bothering him every waking moment. I think when he left to collect info he really meant to say "I'm leaving town to check myself into a spa/resort in Tahiti for a few years. Good luck fighting demons."

Next time I'll be talking about Peter Hale, the cause of Derek's problems... Have a Wolftastic Tuesday!!!! And a Merry Merry Christmas :D

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Seriously... Can we talk about how cute they are?


"You named your son STILES STILINSKI"

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...FREAK OUT!!!
Watch the promo HERE

As you probably already know the official promo is finally hear and it is crazy. It features Stiles walking through a creepy, dark hallway where he encounters Lydia silently screaming/whimpering, Allison stroking what looks to be a dead wolf, and the Sheriff saying accusingly, "It was you".  While he is walking through, you can hear someone whispering "This isn't you", over and over. Finally, Stiles reaches the end of the hallway, entering a white room with Scott inside callingto him, "This isn't you". Stiles pushes Scott away with his bloody hands and looks intensely in a mirror, which reveals a scared and bloody Stiles. That's when you hear "This is you" and the promo ends. aaaAAAHHHHHhhhhh

It looks like season 3B is going to focus a lot on Stiles  and I'm nothing but excited!! I have formulated a list of predictions for what exactly is happening in this promo, and what might happen in the future.
  • This season will focus a lot on the Stilinski family... especially the mother. I think we will find out exactly how she died and why Stiles feels guilty.
  • Referencing to Bullet #1, I think Stiles feels to blame for his mothers death. If he didn't he wouldn't be having hallucinations about his father saying "It was you".
  • I also think Stiles is going to kill someone this season (or multiple people). I just have this feeling (which I hope is wrong).
  • Allison... I don't even know what to think. Maybe she will slip back into crazy, 'I will kill all werewolves' mode like her mother.
  • ANNNNNND...... Shape shifters. Jeff keeps talking about the shape shifter legends that will come into play this season, and I think Stiles will be one. I don't think he will know it, but I think Stiles will shift into something and kill people.
Sounds like a cheery season if I'm right :D Have a WOLFTASTIC Tuesday!!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

La Fille Française

Let's talk about... Allison Argent!!!

She is beautiful and in real life I would probably want to be her, but I still don't like Allison. My dislike for her started off in S1, because every time I saw her I knew I was in for a boring scene. She was the other half of a relationship that made Scott less interesting, dumb, and ignore Stiles. It wasn't really her I didn't like; it was Scott and Allison together. It wasn't until S2 when they where broken up for me to realize I truly did not like Allison. She went crazy (like the rest of her family) and started shooting arrows at innocent werewolves!! That is NOT okay if you ask me. By the end of S2 I was ready for her to die. 
I will admit, she was much better in S3 and I actually began to like her a little, but I still think she is a bit dry and boring. I hope that S3B will give her more depth because right now all she is is a kick-butt girl that can "protect herself" as she would say. Which, too be honest, sounds like a really awesome character. She just needs a little extra something more to make me like her. Anyway... I hope you all had a WOLFTASTIC Thanksgiving!!!!!!!

(this still TERRIFIES me)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Too Much Creep To Handle

Lose Your Mind

So recently I've been a mess. And it is 100% because I watched this promo: 

So here's my problem... I can't do this kind of scary. I can handle the scary looking monsters and the gory fighting, but the second anything to do with phycological fear comes into play, I lose it. And everything about this promo is phycological. It is showing Stiles losing his mind and hallucinating/dreaming the creepiest things. To me the worst part is when he is in the classroom and his fellow students are all doing creepy hand movements. I also don't particularly like the people rubbing against what I guess you would call a plastic sheet. Although, what ties all the creepiness together is the music. It starts off as what sounds like people mumbling and then morphs into a little girl singing Row Row Row Your Boat. This whole promo earns MAJOR creep factor points. 
All that I hope is that the entire show doesn't end up like this. I don't watch horror movies for a reason, and I don't want to watch a horror show. I love Teen Wolf as it is and don't think it needs to get anymore creepy than this promo. Have a WOLFTASTIC weekend :D

P.S. Funny story... After watching the promo I was in my kitchen listening to music with headphones; when all of a sudden I saw someone in the darkness of my hallway. I was frozen for about half a second until I realized it was my sister, and then gasped, "Oh God". Obviously my sister didn't know what had happened and thought I was just calling her 'Oh God'. Haha sorry if you don't think that's funny. I did :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Beautiful Teenage Fashionistas

 I have always thought the people on Teen Wolf dressed fabulously. I mean take a look at Lydia EVERY EPISODE. 

 Not only are the people on TW beautiful with perfect alabaster skin, but they always have gorgeously crafted outfits to go with them (with the exception of Allison's weird pilgrim dress).

The costume designer, Barbara Vazquez, says that she is just trying to capture how real high school students would dress. Now some may say, "No one would wear heels and a dress to school everyday" , but thinking about it right now, I know someone that is a trendsetter at my school and wears exactly that. I can also think of a sort of boho-chic dresser like Allison. Obviously the girls are better dressed than the average student, but I think they are believable (and beautiful). 
Now to the boys!! Barbara said in an article that her vision for Scott is all about growing up. He is leaving behind his t-shirts, hoodies, and loose jeans for tighter shirts and pants, and badass jackets. His clothing change reflects his change into an alpha and leader for his friends. 

Stiles, Barbara said, will continue to stick with fun t-shirts (that, frankly, fit his personality), plaid button-ups. and lots of layers. 

And this would not be a proper blog about Teen Wolf style without the mention of Isaac's scarves!!! They are beautiful and fabulous, just like Daniel Sharman. I became a really big fan of Isaac in standard winter gear this season :D

I think everyone on Teen Wolf could easily start a fashion company with how gorgeous they are and of course, their stunning clothes. If you want to read the article I got a lot of my information from you can read it here. Have a WOLFTASTIC Wednesday :D

(Haha this is me after every episode)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Best Friends for Life

Scott and Stiles are caught in a bad BROMANCE

Now before you pop a fuse, I don't mean bromance like let's kiss and get married. I mean adorable friendship that occasionally makes you want to cuddle in a pile of blankets and puppies. That is exactly what Scott and Stiles have. They are brothers for life and that will never change. If Jeff Davis pulls some sick joke of them getting in a fight in season 3B I don't think I will make it. This bromance is truly what drives the show. It is not a romantic relationship that drives it, or the mystery, or even that fact that they are werewolves. It is Scott and Stiles - BFFL. This is great and all, but I think what makes Scott and Stiles work so well is that Tyler Posey and Dylan O'Brien are best friends in real life also. I heard a rumor that they are so close that Tyler asked Dylan to be his Best Man in his wedding (awwwwwww). I believe that at the very end of the show we will end with Scott and Stiles just sitting (or whatever) together and it will be perfect and wonderful :) Have a WOLFTASTIC Thursday (sorry it's not Wednesday) 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Scaaary Spoooky

Happy Halloween!!

In the spirit of Halloween... lets talk about scary stuff!!! 
When I tell people that I watch Teen Wolf the reaction is always, "Oh! ha that's cool. Its about like high school and relationships and stuff. Right?" To those people I say, "HahahahaNOOOOOOOOO".  Teen Wolf is sometimes about all that stereotypical high school TV drama series crap, but it is mostly terrifying, tear-inducing, supernatural craziness. Regular people do not seem to realize that at the end of each episode the average Teen Wolf fan is lying on the ground in a puddle of their tears, curled up into a fetal position. Not to mention all the other emotions it makes you feel, like happiness, anger, love, and of course, BROMANCE FEELS. This show is about so much more than teenage werewolves, and that is what I love about it. It is suspenseful and intriguing, especially when they add in lesser know mythologies (all the thanks in the world to Jeff Davis). I'm always surprised whenever I remember that Teen Wolf is on the same channel as 16 and Pregnant... Anyways... Whenever anyone hates on you for watching Teen Wolf just show them Episode 7 of Season 3A "Currents", then they will understand. HAVE A WOLFTASTIC HALLOWEEN!!!! 

Thursday, October 24, 2013


So..... We found out in season 3 that Lydia is in fact a banshee. So far all we know about banshees on Teen Wolf is that they scream when someone is dying or about to die. Also, Lydia apparently gets "feelings" as seen in the Season 3A finale.
In real life, a banshee was a female spirit seen in Irish mythology. They were a forewarning to death and messengers from the Underworld. They were sometimes seen washing the clothes of those who were about to die, but more commonly heard. Their wails were said to be screeches so loud and high they could shatter glass. The banshees would come to earth in different forms, usually as a frighteningly ugly woman but sometimes as a stunningly gorgeous woman (that sounds more like Lydia). 
I don't think that Lydia is going to end up being a spirit from the Underworld so I am VERY curious to find out how she became a banshee... and if there are more in town! I'm also very excited to learn exactly what her powers will be because it is evident that she is now willing to use them. This all makes me SUPER psyched for season 3B!!!!! Have a WOLFTASTIC Wednesday :D
Courtesy of lydiastilinski via weheartit

Does this look like Lydia?

I think Lydia is just a bit more attractive...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

New Stuff

Teen Wolf Updates
 Lots happened this week in the Teen Wolf World!! At the New York Comic Con it was announced that TW will be renewed for a Season 4 :D This means more death, killing, and tears... WoooooHoooooo!!!!!!! Not only was TW renewed, starting Season 4 there will be a weekly talk show, Wolf Watch, following each new episode. Wolf Watch will be hosted by Jill Wagner (aka Creepy Kate) and will talk about mythology and romance (among other things), and is said to have interviews with cast members. I like the idea of Wolf Watch but I really do not like Jill Wagner. She's probably a really nice person and all that fun stuff, but every time I see her all I think of is Creepy Kate and all of her disturbing qualities. What I really want is for Tyler Oakley and Shantal Rhodes to host Wolf Watch because I absolutely LOVED The FANtastic Show. I thought it was... well... fantastic (I'm sorry, I had to). Either way, I'm happy for Teen Wolf and everyone involved (including myself) because four seasons is awesome, and the by way that TW is going, they are bound to have more! Have a Wolftastic Wednesday :D
( I really didn't like her)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Video


This is the video that started all this Holland & Colton talk in the first place... WATCH IT NOW!!!!

Holton or Colland?

Hey there! 
This morning I saw a video that inspired me to blog about the cutest couple ever... my OTP... COLTON HAYNES & HOLLAND RODEN!!!!!!!
We know them as Jackson Whittemore and Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf (and yes I know you are saying "But Jackson isn't on the show anymore, why are you blogging about him?!?!" Well to you I say, I DON'T CARE). Colton and Holland met on Teen Wolf where their on-screen chemistry turned into real feelings towards each other. Although they haven't announced it officially, you can pretty much tell they are in love (or maybe I'm just in love with them...). Despite my obsession with them in real life, I've never really liked Jackson and Lydia as a couple on TW. This is either because Jackson was so mean to her (although I do believe he actually loved her), or the fact that Stydia is so incredibly adorable. Either way I was still super sad to see Colton leave the show, taking Jackson and his sass with him (seriously though, Jackson was the sassiest person ever and it made me so happy).  

All I really care about is that they are both extremely happy (and together :D) because they should be. They are both so sweet and totally deserve each other <3 Plus they would make the most beautiful babies ;)

Thursday, October 3, 2013


In conclusion, Isaac is probably my favorite character and I'm really excited to learn more about him in 3B. Oh... and this 
and this
and this

The Boy That Doesn't Like Small Spaces

Let's talk about... Isaac Lahey!!!

The BEAUTIFUL Daniel Sharman plays the beloved character of Isaac on Teen Wolf. He first appeared in Season 2 Episode 1 and joined Derek's pack. Isaac is now the only surviving member of that pack besides Derek himself (if that means Isaac is next to die I will have some things to say to Jeff Davis). Isaac has a very dark history, which involves a extremely abusive father that got killed by a giant lizard (aka the Kanima aka Jackson). Because of his father constantly locking him in an unplugged freezer, Isaac is highly claustrophobic which sometimes leads to problems (think the closet scene S3E04). I have very high hopes for Isaac in Season 3B. First, I think Davis needs to stop putting him in small spaces because it is incredibly painful to see the perfection that is Daniel under a bed in the fetal position. Secondly, it looks like he might actually get some action in the romance department after making the funniest comments in 3A about various ladies he thought attractive. It also looks like we have him changing alligence from Derek to Scott which will prove interesting. I really just hope he gets more airtime so we can see his gorgeous face more often :D 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

CRACK(ing up)

This is a Teen Wolf crack video (a combination of clips with different songs playing if you didn't know). It is probably the single most fantastic crack video ever and definitely my favorite! ***WARNING*** It does contain some swearing so if you don't like that don't watch (but you really should, its hilarious). ENJOY :D

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Summertime Sadness

So.... Lets talk about Season 3A! 
(If you want to read some AWESOME Teen Wolf Photo Re-Caps, tv.com does one after every new episode and they are hilariously awesome)

So far Season 3 has been by FAR my favorite season. I felt like there was a perfect mixture of action, romance, mythology, and attractive guys (although I wouldn't complain about more Daniel Sharman). One thing that I really did love was the Celtic mythology. Before this I had only ever seen Celtic symbols that didn't really mean anything to me, but now I feel like I know a little more. I also loved that we got to learn a little (ok pretty much nothing) about Lydia and her "powers". My hopes for Season 3B are more mythology, more Lydia, and more STYDIA!!!!!!!! (Yes I am a Stydia shipper but like a port, I welcome all ships) Thanks for reading and hopefully I will see you next week :D

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Welcome to Beacon Hills

Welcome to my new blog!!! My name is Maddie and I'm obsessed with MTV's Teen Wolf. When my English teacher told us to create a blog it was pretty obvious what mine would be about. I am NOT a professional blogger but I'm VERY passionate so bare with me (or don't. The only person that needs to read this is me and my English teacher) If you stick with me I will review episodes, spotlight on characters, discuss different mythologies, and do other fun things!! Hope you enjoy it :D